YouTube is rightfully considered the most popular video hosting in the world. Many users may encounter a YouTube video problem when the video begins to hang and slow down. If it does not open, it gives a black screen or playback errors – there is no reason to worry. There are quite a few reasons for a video recording to hang during playback, as well as ways to solve them. Let’s figure out what to do if YouTube doesn’t work. Below are simple tips that will solve most site and app problems.
Common YouTube Issues
Problems with YouTube can be caused by problems on the user’s side or by a drop in the service due to server overload. Therefore, first try to open it on another device, for example, a smartphone or laptop. If the site does not work there, the problem is probably with YouTube itself.
How to Make it Work
Turn Off Restricted Mode
Restricted mode filters out content that may be considered inappropriate. It may result in certain content being hidden. Yet, you can easily disable restricted mode on YouTube if you use your device at home. It will give you full access to the variety of content available on the platform. However, it sometimes happens that you cannot turn it off. You may ask, “why is YouTube stuck on restricted mode?” Usually, the reason is that you are on a network administrated by a public institution. An administrator can enable this mode on all computers in a library or university. In this case, you can ask the staff to switch the restricted mode off. Another option is to save the video and watch it offline. Apple users are lucky to use Pulltube for Mac to download necessary videos and enjoy watching content they are keen on.
Clear Cache and Cookies
Temporary files accumulated while using the browser can affect the operation of various sites. So, cache and cookies should be cleaned periodically. Because of them, the common error 404 usually comes out.

On Android, go to “Settings,” the “Applications” tab, and find YouTube there. In the menu, select “Storage and cache” – at the top, there will be large cleaning buttons, which we need. iOS does not provide users with an option to clear the app cache. However, you can reinstall the YouTube app. Then, all temporary files will be automatically deleted.
Update Your Browser and YouTube App
If YouTube doesn’t work on your phone, you’re probably using an old version of the company’s app. In this case, updating fixes most YouTube streaming problems. On Android and iOS, open the appropriate app store, check for available updates, and install them immediately.
Check Your Proxy Settings
Sometimes, some extensions continue to work even after being removed from the browser. Those that modify proxy settings are especially insidious. It can lead to incorrect operation of sites, including YouTube.
Update Graphics Drivers
If you have a YouTube playback error or the screen is black/green, most likely the problem is related to the outdated graphics drivers of the video card that need to be updated.
1. On a Windows PC, press the “Windows” and “R” keys, and a small “Run” window will open. Here, type devmgmt. msc and press enter.
2. In Device Manager, double-click on “Video adapters” to open the tab. Next, you should right-click on the name of the video card and select “Update driver”.
3. From the two proposed options, click “Automatic search for updated drivers.”
4. After that, the system will find the latest drivers for your card. Confirm their installation, restart your computer, and check what has changed.
Reset Network Settings
If you have YouTube connection issues on your mobile Internet or Wi-Fi on your phone, you can try to turn on flight mode and turn it off after a while. If it does not help, there is an option to reset the network settings.

On Android, go to Settings and look for Reset options. You need a “Reset Wi-Fi, mobile data, and Bluetooth” section. Open it and click “Reset settings”. On iOS, open Settings, General, find Reset, and select Reset Network Settings. Reboot the smartphone and check if YouTube has worked.
Use a VPN
If YouTube doesn’t open at work or university, it’s quite likely that access to it has been deliberately blocked. In this case, using a VPN will help. Install any popular service and try to access YouTube “from another country” to bypass the restrictions.
Often, users of the popular YouTube video hosting face a rather banal problem – the video does not load, or it takes a long time to start. There can be many reasons for such a situation, but only a few are the most likely. Now, after reading our easy-to-follow guide, you are aware of what to do first and what computer and network options should be checked.